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Bristol Women’s Voice Membership Policy


This policy is designed to provide clarity on Bristol Women’s Voice membership and membership criteria (set out below), commitment, benefits and, where necessary, the process for removing membership and appeal.

The Director will monitor the implementation of this policy, collect information about required improvements, and will report all complaints and outcomes to the Board of Trustees on a quarterly basis.

Bristol Women’s Voice Membership Criteria

Women must indicate that they have read and agree with:

  1. Our membership criteria:
    • Our membership is free and open to any woman who lives, works, volunteers or studies in Bristol;
    • Our membership and projects are also open to gender non-binary people who may wish to access our service if they feel comfortable to do so (understanding that they may be ‘read’ as women) and feel that this will benefit them;
    • We are a trans-inclusive organisation.
  2. Our mission, vision, values and Code of Conduct.
Membership Benefits

Members will receive the following benefits:

  • A monthly newsletter, updating you on our work and upcoming opportunities
  • Opportunities to attend twice-annual members’ events
  • Voting rights at our Annual General Meeting
  • Opportunity to become a trustee
  • Opportunity to influence the organisation’s strategy, through the annual members’ survey and other events and platforms
Breach of membership terms

Bristol Women’s Voice reserves the right to remove membership from women who are in breach of our vision, values or Code of Conduct [1].

In most circumstances, those found to be in breach will be given a warning outlining the concern/s. This might include, but is not limited to, to, concerns regarding concern about discriminatory / exclusive behaviour at our events; public or private damaging communications about BWV or women more broadly; campaigning on issues that are misaligned with our values.

The director will speak with any disruptive member in person to outline concerns and to explore alternative opportunities for learning, training and a restorative approach to mitigate on reputational damage to BWV. This will be followed up in writing and a copy of the Membership Policy.

Where there are three separate causes for concern, membership will be automatically removed for a minimum of 12 months.

BWV reserve the right to remove membership from any individual found to be in serious contravention of BWV vision, values membership and or Code of Conduct with immediate effect.

Removal of Membership

When a decision is made to remove membership, the member will be informed in writing with the reasons for this decision clearly laid out.
Bristol Women’s Voice may remove membership at the point of sign up in the following circumstances:

  1. The person signed up does not meet our membership criteria. In this case, we may write to the applicant to ask if they want to remain as a newsletter subscriber or participate in activities involving allies of gender equality.
  2. The person signed up does not meet our membership criteria on the basis of misaligned values, clearly evidenced through overt behaviours, for example,
    • History of campaigning for far-right political groups
    • Harassment of women entering abortion clinics
    • Repeated promotion of hateful communications about transgender, older women, or other marginalised groups

All decisions to remove membership will be made by the Director.


Where the person wishes to appeal against the decision to remove membership, they can do so in writing to the BWV Board of Trustees.

The Governance and Membership Subgroup of the Board will review the appeal and respond to the complainant.

Appeals will be responded to in writing within 10 working days of the complaint.

In all incidences, complaints will be included in the Board reports and reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Excluded members will not be eligible to apply again for 12 months.

Excluded members will lose their rights to the membership benefits outlined above for the duration of their exclusion.


Katy Taylor

Date of last review:

Version 1



Date Reviewed:

July 2024

Date of next Review:

July 2026

[1] Bristol Women’s Voice mission: 

  1. To create a movement that unites all women in Bristol to campaign together, celebrate our achievements and find support and information.
  2. To listen and make heard the views and voices of women from across Bristol’s diverse communities, empowering them to influence decision-makers.
  3. To support women’s organisations in Bristol to collaborate, grow and campaign on the rights and issues that matter to the women they represent.


Bristol Women’s Voice values:


We hold power with, not over, one another. 

We listen to and amplify women’s voices. 

We give women space to develop and grow.   


We are open in the way we work and share information. 

We give and receive feedback, are honest about our mistakes and treat them as opportunities to learn and grow.

We recognise when others have skills that we do not and collaborate to deliver.  


We are welcoming and create a culture of belonging. 

We value different experiences, perspectives and viewpoints. 

We do not tolerate bullying, harassment or discrimination.


We encourage a culture of wellbeing and rest. 

We operate sustainably, ethically and responsibly.  

We take time to pause, reflect and celebrate what we have achieved.