Bristol Women’s Voice Wonderful Women Award’s were presented as part of our International Women’s Day celebrations on the 3rd of March. We celebrated over 50 women from across Bristol who had been nominated for their contribution to their communities, each week you can find out more about one of these Wonderful Women.
Linda Buckman
Linda Buckman received a Wonderful Women award for her tireless fundraising for local charities and causes. She has organised charity awareness walks, family fun days, karaoke nights, discos and art-auctions. Recently, Lin has set up an on-going art auction site for donations of art and gifts for ward 34 at Bristol Children’s Hospital in memory of Dexter Liebow.
What advice would you give your younger self?
The advice I would have give to my younger self would have been to be strong and not to let anyone take away my sparkle.
Which women have inspired you?
One inspirational lady I really look up to is Mary Temple Grandin (born August 29, 1947) who is an American professor and Autism spokesperson. She is one of the first individuals on the Autism spectrum to publicly share insights from her personal experience of autism.
What do you want to see change for women in Bristol?
The changes that I’d like to see for women in Bristol is to see lots more women coming together to help each other.
Is there anything that you have read, seen or listened to recently which has inspired you?
Something that has inspired me over the last five years of fundraising is seeing so many kind and caring people coming together to help me to support families going through such difficult times. Their ongoing kindness helps me to continue to do what I do.
Are there three words you would use to describe your local community?
The three words I’d use to describe the people that I have been surrounded by in my community are “Kindness is Magic “.
What hopes do you have for your local community in 2018?
The hopes I have for my local community in 2018 is to see more people coming together to help each other.