Wonderful Women Interview #16 – Rebecca Scott

Bristol Women’s Voice Wonderful Women Awards were presented as part of our International Women’s Day celebrations on the 3rd of March. We celebrated over 50 women from across Bristol  who had been nominated for their contribution to their communities.

Rebecca Scott

Rebecca Scott received a Wonderful Women award for her energy, enthusiasm and passion for inclusion and diversity at Bristol University. In particular, challenging accessibility issues surrounding BAME communities and young people with SEND needs. As well as working at the University, Rebecca is also a trustee of Autism Independence, a School Governor and Chair of the University BAME Advisory group.

 What advice would you give your younger self?

To listen, research and take time to reflect on situations in a deeper context.

To understand that success is measured by how well we deal with life’s challenges and some of our failures will form part of these challenges.

Treat others well. You are caring, kind and honest, you are amazing. Never compare your journey to someone else’s. We all play a different part in the puzzle of life.

Which women have inspired you?

I am continually motivated by the many amazing women who I am fortunate enough to cross paths with. I can’t list them all as I am privileged to be surrounded by so many. What I can say is that much of my inspiration and motivation comes from contact with others.

What do you want to see change for women in Bristol?

I want to see a greater number of BAME women in senior positions in businesses across the city.

Are there three words you would use to describe your local community?

Diverse, inspiring and amazing.

What hopes do you have for your local community in 2018?

Improved employment and education opportunities for all but with a focus on SEND young people and BAME youth.

Bristol Women’s Voice are marking 100 years since the first women in the UK were given the vote with ‘Deeds not Words’ a year-long programme of events across the city. Find out about Deeds not Words events in Bristol here

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