Avon and Somerset Police Crime Commissioner candidates on how they’d support women in Bristol

On 6 May 2021, residents of Bristol and the wider region will take to the polls to vote for a new Avon and Somerset Police Crime Commissioner (PCC).

The PCC is elected to be the voice of the people and hold the police to account and to ensure delivery of an effective and efficient police service in their local area. Current PCC Sue Mountstevens, who worked closely with Bristol Women’s Commission is stepping down and one of five candidates will take her place.

Bristol Women’s Commission and Bristol Women’s Voice asked all PCC candidates what steps they’d take to support women and girls in the city. We received the following responses from all five candidates Kerry Barker (Labour), Cleo Lake (Green), Heather Shearer (Liberal Democrat), Mark Shelford (Conservative) and John Smith (Independent)

Find out more about the Avon and Somerset Police Crime Commissioner elections here.

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