We would like to invite you to our Annual General Meeting on Monday 9 October at St Paul’s Learning Centre from 5:30pm.
All are welcome to come and hear about our work over the last year and attend a panel discussion on women’s economic inequality and how we will be working in partnership to tackle this going into the elections next year. Light refreshments will be provided. Register below.
5: 30pm: Welcome and introduction
Presentation of annual report 2022/23 and annual accounts
Voting to approve the accounts and new trustees (members only)
6:15pm: Panel discussion on Investing in the Caring Economy
7:30pm: Light refreshments at Glen’s Café followed by a light crafting activity around points raised during the panel discussion and social time
8:30pm: Close
About Investing in the Caring Economy:
The panel will discuss the challenges and impacts of being a carer, a care worker and being cared for, and why valuing care is key to a healthy society and women’s economic well-being. Learn more about what we mean by the caring economy and why now is the time for BWV and its allies to call for a greater Caring Economy in Bristol.
There will be plenty of time for questions from the audience.
Speakers & Panellists
Rosa has worked for and in the Chinese community in Bristol for 34 years to break down language and cultural barriers to improve their health and wellbeing and close the gap with statutory and voluntary service providers.
She is the CEO of an organisation that supports the grassroots Chinese community in the South West – Chinese Community Wellbeing Society – which provides a range of services and activities to achieve long-lasting and impactful outcomes for the community.
Sue Cohen is a Research Associate with the University of Bristol undertaking co-produced research with community organisations.
Sue is part of the national steering group of the Women’s Budget Group’ Economy Equality Commission and on the Economic Task force of the Women’s Commission.
Anndeloris Chacon is a Registered Nurse, CEO of Bristol Black Carers, author, and poet. Her nursing career spans over 40 years and has been managing Bristol Black Carers since October 2015.
Bristol Black Carers is a multi-award-winning charity, whose focus is on Caribbean, African and Asian carers, cared-for, and their family.
The charity supports the individuals who take on the caring responsibilities for a person with ill-health in their homes 24/7, and they are ‘CARERS’. Individuals who provide care for payment are care workers because they are there for a fraction of the time.
Anndeloris Chacon has a passion and drive to help others understand what the caring role in the home encompasses. This includes carers, cared-for, family, friends, professionals, and care workers.
Additional information
Don’t forget to tell us if you’re vegetarian or vegan when you sign up and if you have any access needs. We look forward to seeing you there.
If you’re not a member, you can find out more and sign up here:
The event capacity is 60 people, if the tickets are showing as Sold Out please contact us on: info@bristolwomensvoice.org.uk
We look forward to seeing many of you there, In sisterhood,
Bristol Women’s Voice