Who we are

We are an alliance of organisations in Bristol representing its diverse communities: Bristol Black Carers, Bristol Women in Business, Bristol Women’s Commission, Bristol Women’s Voice, Carers Support, Chinese Community Wellbeing Society, Co-Produce Care, WECIL and Women’s Budget Group

What we want

We call on employers, the West of England Combined Authority (WECA), Bristol City Council and national government to adopt the caring economy as a strategic driver for investment across public services, training, skills, transport, environmental sustainability and for those disadvantaged by poverty and discrimination.

We bring the voices of women, those caring, care workers and those who may be cared for to the attention of politicians, employers and health and social care providers.

We ask:

  • What value have you placed on the caring economy?
  • Where is care on your priority list for the future?
  • What can you do to support a caring economy?
  • How will you ensure this commitment becomes a reality?
How can you take action? 

We believe that caring is everyone’s business and that real change within our society needs to happen. Caring is fundamental to the infrastructure of our society and the foundation of our communities. If we continue to undervalue caring as the core of our societal well-being, we will continue to see the breakdown of society. 

You can: 


Every small act helps us call for change to invest in a caring economy for carers, care workers and those who may be cared at local, national and corporate level. 

Take Action

Value the Caring Economy Petition Map

Read our briefings on: