Organisations who support our call for change and agree that Caring is Everyone’s Business. 

♥ AliMo Care Ltd


Why they support the campaign:

“The lack of accessibility in our economy has led to a massive waste of ability and potential. When one person is told that they are not included because of their circumstance and we are not willing to explore reasonable adjustments then we reduce ourselves to an ever decreasing island which will eventually have no room for any of us.”

♥ Knowle West Alliance

♥ Rethink Mental Illness, Bristol

Why they support the campaign: 

“Family and friends who support people with their mental health often risk their own health and wellbeing and have to fight to get appropriate professional help.”

♥ Somali Kitchen

Why they support the campaign:

“The caring economy has always been overlooked, therefore historically women are less paid and struggled with money. This is important for the Somali Kitchen to be involved as we work with migrant women in Bristol who are always underpaid and struggle with money.”

♥ Voscur

♥ Women’s Work Lab CIC

Why they support the campaign:

“We are an organisation founded by Mums and who’s mission is to support Mums in the region. We care deeply about anything that can help raise awareness of caring responsibilities.”