In Memory

Would you like to honour the achievements of an important woman in your life?  
Consider creating a fundraising page in their memory and donating the proceeds to Bristol Women’s Voice. 
How do I set up a fundraising page in memory of someone? 
  • Click if you’re doing an organised event or personal challenge in someone’s memory. Otherwise, choose ‘In Memory’. 
  • Provide the gender, first and last name of the person you’re remembering. 
  • Tick ‘Yes’ if you’re running a bake sale, or selling tickets to an event, raffle or auction. Donations to your Page won’t be eligible for Gift Aid.   
  • Choose your JustGiving web address, this is the link that you’ll be sharing with friends and family for them to donate to the Page. 
  • Click ‘Create your Page’. 
You’ll be able to add photos and a story about your loved one. Donors may also leave a message. 
Get started!! 

Please be patient, it could take a while to download the files.