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Bristol Local Elections: What to ask your councillors?
- April 25, 2024·
Ahead of the local elections on 2 May 2024, you may get a knock on your door from a potential election candidate. They want to…

Empowering the Caring Economy
- April 25, 2024·
In the heart of Bristol lies a community of unsung heroes - carers whose tireless dedication often goes unnoticed.

Review: Self-Raising – Flourishing through truth and connection
- March 27, 2024·
Jenny Sealy's poignant one-woman stand-up emphasises the idea that 'secrets are easier to tell strangers’, a notion she embodies with compelling honesty.

What is Social Aesthetic?
- March 26, 2024·
Natacha Sullivan is the founder and the social beauty therapist of ’The Beauty Of Caring CIC’ who is a social enterprise based in Bristol.

International Women’s Day Panel – Caring Economy: what value do we place on care?
- March 26, 2024·
One of the panel debates which took place during Bristol Women’s Voice International Women’s Day Celebration on 2nd March at the City Hall in Bristol…

Impressions from Bristol Women’s Voice, International Women’s Day Celebration
- March 26, 2024·
Sophie, volunteer reporter at our International Women's Voice Celebration on 2 March 2024 shares her impressions of the day.

Statement from the Value the Caring Economy Alliance
- March 13, 2024·
The Value the Caring Economy alliance welcomes the full council’s decision to carry forward yesterday’s (12 March 2024) Golden Motion proposed by Bristol Labour and…

Review: Black is the Colour of my Voice
- February 27, 2024·
‘Black is the Colour of my Voice’ is essentially the life story of Nina Simone, tortured genius singer, pianist and civil rights figure.

Inspiring Women Talk: Louise Mitchell
- February 16, 2024·
Bristol Beacon’s CEO, Louise Mitchell, shared her remarkable professional journey, starting from her university days to her current role as the CEO of Bristol Beacon.

Press release: Bristol Women’s Voice announces programme for flagship International Women’s Day Celebration
- February 15, 2024·
Bristol Women’s Voice is excited to reveal the programme for this year’s flagship International Women’s Day Celebration on Saturday 2 March at City Hall.

Bristol City Council welcomes Value the Caring Economy manifesto
- January 18, 2024·
On Tuesday 9 January 2024, the Value Caring Economy (VCE) Alliance attended Bristol’s Full Council Meeting. The Alliance put forward a statement urging the Council…

Press release: Bristol women bring the value of care to the attention of full council
- January 9, 2024·
An alliance of nine Bristol organisations is campaigning and calling on employers, councillors, regional decision-makers and members of parliament to put care at the heart…

Review: Arabian Nights, A Revolutionary Tale for our Times
- December 21, 2023·
In a city with a strong tradition of protest and direct action it seems fitting that this year’s seasonal production at the stunning Bristol Old…

Inspiring Women Talk: Emma Robertson & Women in STEM
- December 19, 2023·
As Emma Roberston, Senior Design Engineer for Renishaw and STEM ambassador, began to speak about the work she does, I was struck by how interesting…

Open Letter for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence 2023
- December 8, 2023·
We call on all organisations, communities and individuals in the City to take action to tackle a growing epidemic of male violence that impacts women…

Young Women in Bristol: Feminist Leadership in Practice
- November 30, 2023·
Empathy. Boundaries and Consent. Intersectionality and self-care. These were only some of the concepts that were discussed at the second Young Women’s Forum: Feminist Leadership…
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