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Getting women’s voices heard in Bristol’s health care system
- July 28, 2023·
More than 60 women were present at our Members’ Summer Event at the end of July discussing women's health.

Inspiring Women Talk: Afua Twum-Danso Imoh on Challenging Representations of Africa
- July 27, 2023·
Have you ever considered how the presentation of Africa in the media, in schools, or in higher education, may reinforce negative stereotypes? On Monday 24…

Sociocracy: knight in shining armour against women’s poverty?- Talk recap
- July 11, 2023·
Sociocracy: knight in shining armour against women’s poverty? – Bookhaus talk recap -Genevieve Bland In a world where capitalism and neoliberal economies are assumed to…

REVIEW: ‘Godot is a Woman’: The feminist play reclaiming Beckett
- July 5, 2023·
‘Godot is a Woman’ is a play that has received multiple five-star raving reviews and critical acclaim. Genevieve Bland went to review a recent performance…

BWV staff pick their favourite feminist books
- May 18, 2023·
Feminist Book Fortnight is happening now! While traditionally a bookshop-led event, the team at Bristol Women’s Voice thought we’d take the opportunity to have a…

Bristol Women in Business Charter annual impact event
- May 18, 2023·
Bristol Women in Business Charter Annual Impact Event: Making Gender Equity a Priority Blog by Alice Hulme Overview of the event: The Bristol Women…

Inspiring Women – Kamina Walton
- May 9, 2023·
As part of our Inspiring Women series of talks, Kamina Walton of Rising Arts Agency came and spoke about her work. Community Hub Coordinator Eilidh…

Could you join BWV as a Trustee?
- May 9, 2023·
About Bristol Women’s Voice Our vision: We believe that all women should have equitable access to opportunity in life, regardless of their background and circumstances.…

Online Safety Bill – Letter to Bristol MPs
- April 20, 2023·
Letter sent to all Bristol MPs on 20 April 2023 We write to you as leaders of diverse women-led and other equalities charities and groups…

Sennen Cork, of the Radical History Group, on eighteenth-century poet, Ann Yearsley
- March 6, 2023·
‘I Googled her, and fell in love’ – Shining a light on a forgotten heroine International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to shine a…

Guest blog by Karin Smyth MP for Bristol South
- February 15, 2023·
‘It’s vital that we sing the praises of our women role models. We must work hard to inspire the future generation of women leaders to…

Director’s New Year 2023 blog
- January 18, 2023·
‘The cost of living crisis, women’s safety and poor investment in the caring economy remain key areas of focus for us’ Happy New Year to…

Disabled Women Take Action meet UWE counsellors
- January 18, 2023·
Inclusive counselling and psychotherapy: discussion between UWE staff, students and Disabled Women Take Action (DWTA) ‘I was amazed by how psychotherapy and counselling can…

Winter member event – a follow-up to December’s Q&A with Avon and Somerset Police
- December 28, 2022·
By Trustees Emily Johnstone and Liz Potter Following a review of our membership benefits, BWV are committed to providing at least two member-only events each…

‘The team is buzzing with ideas: we need twice the resource to do everything we want to’
- November 28, 2022·
Our newest recruit, Eilidh, shares her experience so far. I couldn’t believe the energy of the five women squeezed into the tiny office in the…

Trustees’ Week 2022 – Hear from Co-Chair, Clare, on being a Trustee of Bristol Women’s Voice
- November 9, 2022·
Trustees’ Week, 7 – 11 November 2022, celebrates the achievements of one million trustees across the UK, whose time, commitment and effort help charities to…
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