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Proposed nil cap on Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs): information and briefings
- December 17, 2021·
Bristol City Council’s licensing committee is currently considering whether to implement a nil cap on Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in the city centre. A nil…
New Bristol Sexual Entertainment Venues Policy Review report released
- November 19, 2021·
A new report has been released to highlight the harm caused by Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) to women as a group, and outline why Bristol…
A brief summary of a snapshot survey on sexual harassment on Bristol transport
- November 11, 2021·
Bristol Women’s Voice has been working with hate crime charity, SARI, and the Women’s Safety Task Group to address sexual harassment of women and girls…
Bristol to be a city free from domestic abuse and gender inequality by 2050
- October 20, 2021·
Blog by Amarjot Kaur Bristol to be a city free from domestic abuse and gender inequality by 2050. In the recent Mayoral Commission’s…
New Vacancy: a part time Community Organiser to support women across Bristol
- October 20, 2021·
New Vacancy: a part time Community Organiser to support women across Bristol We are recruiting for a part time Community Organiser to support women…
BWV is supporting the nil cap policy in Bristol licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs)
- October 15, 2021·
BWV is supporting the nil cap policy in Bristol licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) We need your support: WRITE TO YOUR MP Writing to…
Bristol Women’s Commission criticises council for failing to act to protect women and girls in the city
- September 17, 2021·
Bristol City Council has this week renewed the licenses of two Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in the city – ignoring the voices of women and…
Bristol Women’s Voice launches new project to empower disabled women
- September 2, 2021·
Bristol Women’s Voice launches new project to empower disabled women Written by Alice Clermont, gender and health equality researcher and advocate September 2, 2021 …
We are recruiting several volunteer Trustees to join our active board!
- July 29, 2021·
Bristol Women’s Voice is a powerful voice for women living, working or volunteering in Bristol. Our aim is to ensure that women’s concerns are heard…
When women are pitted against women in the fight for gender equality there can only be one winner – men
- July 16, 2021·
Bristol Women’s Commission was set up 8 years ago to deliver on the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life. The…
Frequently Asked Questions: Sexual Entertainment Venues in Bristol
- July 1, 2021·
Why are Bristol Women’s Commission and Bristol Women’s Voice opposed to Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs)? SEVs (more commonly known as strip clubs) help make it…
Mayor of Bristol candidates on tackling gender inequality
- April 24, 2021·
On 6 May 2021, residents of Bristol and the wider region will take to the polls to vote for the next Mayor of Bristol. Bristol’s…
Avon and Somerset Police Crime Commissioner candidates on how they’d support women in Bristol
- April 23, 2021·
On 6 May 2021, residents of Bristol and the wider region will take to the polls to vote for a new Avon and Somerset Police…
West of England Mayor candidates on tackling gender inequality
- April 23, 2021·
On 6 May 2021, residents of Bristol and the wider region will take to the polls to vote for a new West of England Combined…
Demand fair renting for Bristol
- April 22, 2021·
The renting system in Bristol is unfair. Renters from across Bristol have come together to create the Bristol Fair Renting Campaign, and have launched a…
BWV on Prevention of Male Violence Against Women and Girls and Sexual Entertainment Venues
- April 1, 2021·
Bristol Women’s Voice on the Prevention of male Violence Against Women and Girls Like all our members, Bristol Women’s Voice believes in a future where…
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