Current Projects

Join us for a weekly choir session with Gena Rose and raise your voice through song. No singing experience required | People's Republic of Stokescroft | Free taster session.
On Saturday 22 March, Bristol Women’s Voice’s families, friends and allies, will gather in fierce beauty to raise awareness of the importance and value of care.
The Migrant Women Series aim to celebrate and elevate the experiences and perspectives of women from migrant communities in Bristo
The Young Women Creating Change project is open to women aged 18-30 years old, living, working or studying in Bristol.
We invite women from all sectors and walks of life to share their stories across Welcoming Spaces and Community Hubs across Bristol. All events are free!

Past Projects

In response to the cost of living crisis, welcoming spaces have popped up around the city.
Women Take Action – Together for Change is a community organising project that follows on from our 2019 City Listening Project through which we heard from more than 530 marginalised women about the barriers they face to achieving their aspirations.
Our Disabled Women Take Action project aims to build a community of committed disabled women to influence practical and policy changes across Bristol.
The Courage Clinic (pilot) is a series of weekly workshops aimed at empowering women to feel more secure and fulfilled in their lives by providing them with a knowledge of and a safe space to practice empowering skills. Fostering positive mental outlook through greater personal self-reliance. 
Following a call from our members for work to be done around menopause (including women who have not yet reached menopausal age) Bristol Women’s Voice have been partnering with other women working in this area to set up support and information.