Press release | Bristol Women’s Voice takes over PRSC Outdoor Gallery for International Women’s Day

For immediate release: Thursday 27 February 2025

Bristol Women’s Voice takes over PRSC Outdoor Gallery for International Women’s Day

From Saturday 1 March and throughout the month, locals and visitors to Stokescroft will see a new mural on the People’s Republic of Stokescroft Outdoor Gallery.

The mural, designed by Bristol-based artist Imogen Donegan, is inspired by small acts of resistance against the patriarchy shared during Bristol Women’s Voice events and outreach events in 2024. Messages shared with Bristol Women’s Voice, will come to life on PRSC’s 9ft wall with vibrant colours and powerful visuals.

Examples of ours acts of resistance are varied and include:

  • Supporting women in the workplace who are carers / parents of children
  • I wear what I want when I want
  • Keep my body hair
  • Refusing to move out of men’s way in the street
  • Be a stroppy, active, non-agreeing old women
  • Mention my female partner to the children I teach. Normalise queerness

Katy Taylor, Bristol Women’s Voice Director says: “ This is a brilliant and exciting project to be opening up with ahead of International Women’s Day.

“When Imogen first submitted her proposals, we were immediately taken by it, she really got where we wanted to go with it and managed to visualise beautifully and creatively what women have shared with us through these messages.

“Every day we come up against expressions of patriarchal power and gendered bias, and it’s been really inspiring to have conversations about the different ways in which people take steps to stand against these. Working with people to identify the little things we can do helps us work together to change the bigger picture. We hope this new mural will make people pause, reflect and hopefully inspire positive action in whatever way they feel is right for them.”

The mural will be displayed throughout March. A crowdfunder is open for those wishing to support with the costs associated with the project including paying the artist for their work.


Notes to the editors: 

Media Contact:

Claire Charras

Communications Coordinator 

07733 133 986


The mural should be completed by the end of Saturday 1 March – if you would like some pictures of the finished mural sent over to you over the weekend, please email Claire Charras on or call 07733 133 986.

About Bristol Women’s Voice

Bristol Women’s Voice is a charity working towards making women’s equity a reality in Bristol through campaigning, connecting and celebrating. 

About Imogen Donegan

Imogen is a Northern Irish maker and illustrator living in Bristol. She is interested in making work in a sequential format, exploring themes surrounding nature, community and togetherness. Find out more about her work here:  

About People’s Republic of Stokescroft:

The People’s Republic of Stokes Croft is a community enterprise that holds the philosophy of a new economy close at heart. PRSC leads by example, showing through direct action that change is possible.

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