Women Take Action – Together for Change

Women Take Action – Together for Change is a community organising project that follows on from our 2019 City Listening Project through which we heard from more than 530 marginalised women about the barriers they face to achieving their aspirations.

Now we are working in and with communities to help develop and implement community-led campaigns on issues that matter to you and your communities most. We are working to platform the voices of  those seldom heard with decision-makers to achieve strategic change.

We are hearing from women, particularly from those in areas of higher levels of deprivation and inequality, that their daily struggles have only exacerbated since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many women have lost or had to give up their paid employments due to childcare and caring responsibilities. Unemployed women and those in low paid employment are constantly struggling to make ends meet. Food poverty is at a deeply concerning level, as is fuel poverty.

“Eating or heating is a real thing for us.”

Access to public transport is deemed inadequate in various areas, especially at the outskirts of Bristol, making it difficult for women to find work out of their living areas where they often cannot find employment.

“On a bad day I am waiting 45 minutes, sometimes in the rain, alone, at a dark bus station, after a long day at work where I barely earned enough money to feed us.”

“Bus tickets are too expensive and some days I can’t afford to pay for a ticket to even get to work.”

Community organisers reported an epidemic deterioration of women’s mental health and physical health.

“I don’t even call the doctor anymore because I haven’t got the energy for it, hoping my symptoms will just go away.”

We understand that the NHS and other support services are underfunded and can’t cater to the increased need.

“There is nobody I can go to get help because everything is full. I can barely leave my house now.’ Isolation has become the new normal for many.”

Even more women than before the arrival of the pandemic are unable to leave unsafe living situations, having to remain in abusive relationships “…because there is nowhere else to go…” with domestic violence and local street crime on the rise.

“I don’t go down to Morrisons after dark because it is dangerous, people are getting robbed there.”

We heard of young female students having to resort to selling their bodies to be able to afford food, ending up assaulted and traumatised.

We heard from economically vulnerable women and women from migrant backgrounds about their experiences of exploitative employers in the care industry.

Safety remains a number one concern for women city wide, that is safety in their own homes, safety in public spaces, safety in night-time entertainment and safety on public transport.

Whilst there is a tangible sense of ‘just surviving mode’ and resignation in some of the communities, we have also heard about the many new community engagement opportunities and activities that are starting across the city, women’s and communities’ resourcefulness, intelligence, strength & extraordinary resilience in these adverse times for many.

We continue to listen to the full spectrum of experiences and issues to determine where and how we all together can demand change. Many might be praying for a miracle every night before they go to bed, but we don’t just need a miracle, we need to take action for the benefit of all women in the city, which is half of its population, and their children, families and communities.

We deserve to be safe. We deserve to be well. We deserve to be thriving.

“Women’s freedom is the sign of social freedom.” – Rosa Luxemburg.

We would love to continue hearing from you and your communities. Get in touch if you have questions, would like to collaborate with us or want support setting up women-led community groups or women’s action groups and of course, if you would like to volunteer with us.

For more information, contact: communityorganiser@bristolwomensvoice.org.uk

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