From 12pm (midday) on 11 October to 12pm (midday) 18 October, every pound you donate will double the difference for Bristol Women’s Voice, paving the way for a brighter future for women and girls in Bristol.
For every pound you give, Big Give will match fund it.
What are we fundraising for?
The cost of living crisis is a gendered issue, we know this. Women are more likely to be carers for friends or family members and to be employed in part-time work, leaving them vulnerable to soaring costs.
Something needs to change, voices need to be heard.
Through our partnership with the Big Give, we will build our collective campaign Value the Caring Economy to encourage investment in childcare, social care, skills and employment.
What difference can you make?
- £5 will cover volunteer travel to run a community-based awareness raising session
- £20 will help us buy activity materials for a women’s craftivism session
- £30 will help us provide food for disadvantaged women at the craftivism session supporting engagement
- £45 will help us pay for 2,000 campaign stickers with a QR code to sign support for you manifesto
- £150 will pay for a day of campaign support
- £200 will help us pay for campaign software that enables us to track pledges in the community
Why now?
With local elections just around the corner, we believe the time is now to raise awareness and rally support to invest in the caring economy for carers, care workers and those who are cared for.
How can you help?
Please give what you can between 11 October – 18 October on the Big Give website to help us reach our target: https://donate.biggive.org/campaign/a056900002RXscLAAT
Or perhaps you would be up for doing some fundraising? Some ideas could include a car boot sale or house clearing, a 7-day running, walking or cycling challenge.