Volunteer Policy


We value our volunteer team as an essential part of the organisation, bringing skills, experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to BWV through their varied roles within the organisation.

We aim to support all volunteers to feel safe, supported and engaged with BWV through effective recruitment, training, induction and on-going support, including for volunteers leaving the organisation, or returning after a period of absence.

Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for all BWV staff involving volunteers in their work:

  1. To provide an example of good practice for staff working in communities.
  2. To give a cohesive and consistent approach to ensure that volunteers are fully supported during their volunteering role.
  3. To ensure fairness and consistency when involving volunteers from diverse groups in line with BWV’s Equality and Diversity Policy.
  4. To provide a foundation for staff to refer to when making decisions around creating opportunities to involve volunteers.


BWV understands that people volunteer for many reasons, and we value their contribution, commitment and participation. Their involvement complements the work our organisation undertakes, but does not replace the work of paid staff members.

BWV believe that for volunteering to be successful, the needs of the organisation, service users and volunteers must be balanced. We aim to ensure this match is successful through our recruitment and selection procedures, annual monitoring and evaluation of volunteer opportunities.

This policy must be read in conjunction with all of other BWV’s policies.


We will promote volunteer opportunities across a range of platforms to engage communities in volunteering. We will strive to ensure our volunteers reflect the communities we work in and monitor our volunteer recruitment processes.

To apply to volunteer with us, all applicants must complete a volunteer registration form and equalities form.

They will then be invited to attend the monthly volunteers’ meetings and to be added to the volunteer WhatsApp group. It is through these forums that information about volunteering opportunities will be made available.

When roles are advertised volunteers will be invited to apply and will be invited to an informal interview to discuss their volunteering offer with the member of staff they will be working with.

All volunteers will be issued with a volunteer pack outlining relevant policies and procedures and will be required to participate in relevant induction, training and support sessions once they become active volunteers.

All volunteers will work with a member of staff, by whom they will be supervised and supported, learning about opportunities for personal development and other training available.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are considered to be an integral part of the team with the ability to attend team meetings, to contribute their creativity and have their ideas recognised. Volunteers are invited to organisation development days.

BWV will ensure that there is non-exploitative use of volunteers within a supportive environment.

When considering the case for a volunteer(s), staff will ensure that any volunteering opportunities complement rather than supplement the work of the paid staff and that they consist of clearly defined tasks for which the volunteer can take ownership.


BWV are committed to providing development opportunities to volunteers that enhance their skills. Staff will explore the volunteer’s development wishes and whenever possible, support them to access these types of experience within BWV.

Training for staff will also be offered to volunteers wherever reasonably practicable.

Support and Supervision

Volunteers are supervised and supported by the member of staff they are working with, or a Volunteer Coordinator when BWV has one.

They will also access peer support at the monthly volunteer meeting, which will often include a team building or well-being activity.

Staff have responsibility to ensure that unreasonable requests are not made of volunteers, and that they are not put under pressure to extend their role beyond that for which they were recruited.


Volunteers may claim back any travel expenses incurred while volunteering for BWV, upon completion of an expenses claim form and, where applicable, production of receipts. This should be submitted to staff, no more than one month after the expense was incurred, for authorization and payment by the director.

Any additional reasonable expenses incurred on behalf of BWV (e.g. buying supplies for the office) will be reimbursed on completion of an expenses claim form and production of a receipt. Please see BWV’s Expenses policy.

Equity Diversity and Inclusion

BWV is actively opposed to all forms of discrimination on the grounds of an individual’s colour, race, beliefs, nationality, ethnic origin, age, gender, marital status, adult sexual orientation or physical/mental ability.

BWV will challenge all forms of discrimination within its staff, volunteers, members and management structure and will actively take steps to combat all direct or indirect discrimination within any aspect of our service. Should someone behave in a discriminatory way and the situation cannot be resolved, then the member will be asked to leave, or the client will have our services withdrawn.

BWV’s equal opportunities policy extends to all volunteers within our service, and is available in full upon request, and provided to volunteers during training.

Health and Safety

BWV recognises the valuable contribution volunteers can make to the work of the organisation and that it has a legal and moral duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Regulations 1999 to ensure that it provides opportunities without unacceptable risks to volunteers’ individual health and safety.

The Director is accountable for ensuring the environment where volunteers are engaged in is safe by carrying out suitable and sufficient Health & Safety risk assessments of the tasks and the venues prior to their opportunity. Key findings are to be recorded on the risk assessment form/s. These risk assessments will be under constant review to note any significant changes in the activity or role the volunteer may undertake.

If a volunteer is impaired or has individual needs, staff will agree with the volunteer and, in agreement with the director, will ensure that reasonable adjustments are planned in consultation with the volunteer to comply with disability discrimination law and to make volunteering accessible.

Volunteers will be provided with the appropriate Health & Safety Information which will be discussed at their initial induction and will be included in the volunteer handbook.

All volunteers as part of the application process will be asked to provide emergency contact details for staff to refer to in the event of emergencies.

All health and safety concerns raised by volunteers will be addressed and reviewed by the director.

Volunteers taken on by BWV will be covered by BWV ’s insurance with regard to public liability and personal accident.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

Personal details of staff, volunteers and service users are treated in the strictest confidence. Information of a confidential nature must not be disclosed to anyone outside BWV, unless there is a lawful basis for doing so and only with prior permission from the director.

Subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act, volunteers’ personal information will be kept confidential. Personal files will be securely stored and access will be restricted to relevant BWV staff only. If confidential information needs to be passed on to any other BWV staff members, the volunteer concerned will be consulted prior to disclosure.

Volunteers are expected to meet their regular commitment as agreed with BWV staff and to keep BWV informed about any changes in their address, phone number or contact details.

Volunteers must not speak to the media/press or communicate with other third parties about matters which directly relate to the affairs of the organisation or individual residents. All media/press queries should be referred to the Director and/or the Communications Coordinator.

Ending Volunteer Opportunities

Current volunteers are welcome to apply for other volunteering opportunities or externally advertised vacancies within BWV, and will be subject to the same application/interview process as other applicants.

BWV will try to give volunteers advance notice if their opportunity may need to end sooner than planned.

Similarly, volunteers wishing to withdraw their involvement are asked to give BWV staff as much notice as they can. BWV also recognise the right for volunteers to withdraw at any time; as is the right of BWV to cease any opportunities.

It is desired that all volunteers participate in an exit evaluation (either by telephone or face-to-face) to ascertain why they are leaving and to establish whether they may want to be involved again in the future. This will support effective monitoring & evaluation of opportunities presented to volunteers.

Volunteers may name BWV as a referee when they are seeking employment or alternative volunteering opportunities.

Problem Solving

BWV are committed to keeping volunteers informed about its activities and, particularly, any information or decision which has relevance to volunteers.

The Director is accountable for keeping volunteers informed about relevant matters and to feed any ideas and concerns from volunteers into the organisational strategic planning.

Any issues or complaints that volunteers wish to raise should, in the first instance, be taken to the Director if there is no Volunteer Coordinator in place, or if the complaint relates to the Volunteer Coordinator. It can be done by phone, email, message or in person.

If issues cannot be resolved at this level, a formal complaint may be made to the Board of Trustees by any volunteer or group of volunteers.

Any issues or complaints about a volunteer will be dealt with initially by the Volunteer Coordinator or the Director.

Further information is detailed in our Complaints Procedure, which is available upon request, and provided to volunteers during training and is available on the BWV website.

Review date

Date of next review

Amendments made

Signed off by

Jul 2024

July 2026

Policy created  

People and Culture sub group