On Thursday 27 June, Bristol Women’s Voice and Bristol Women in Business Charter held a women’s general election hustings on women’s economic inequalities.
The four main parties had been invited to attend, namely Labour, Lib Dems, Conservatives and Green. Despite our best efforts, we were disappointed that no candidate for Labour in Bristol was able to attend.
The candidates in attendance were:
- Jai Breitnauer, Green Party candidate for Bristol South
- Louise Harris, Liberal Democrats Party candidate for Bristol North East
- Rose Hulse, Conservative Party candidate for Bristol North East
After welcoming attendees and outlining house rules, Sarah Rice, Women in Business Charter Ambassador gave the floor to the candidates for their opening address. As Rose Hulse was running late, Jai Breitnaeur and Louise Harris went through what their parties, and indeed themselves, would do for their constituents if elected.
We took a wide range of questions, including addressing the cost-of-living and the pink tax, taxing the very wealthy, overhauling the child maintenance services, actions towards residential care for disabled people and their families, party priorities for carers and carers allowances and the racialised inequalities of Black and minoritised women working in care to outline a few of the conversations.
It is difficult to succinctly report on each of the answers given, so we would urge readers to consult party manifestos ahead of the elections and / or speak to their candidates where possible.
The candidates were upfront with existing challenges with the care system, the benefits system and the social care system, acknowledging that change is needed across the board to improve women’s lives and strive towards women’s economic equality.
We had a small but engaged audience that attended our hustings in Sparks, and we hope that those of you who were able to attend found it valuable.